Tracing "She'elah b'Hakitz" methods in the literature of "Practical Kabbalah," it is clear that there are numerous procedures dealing with "dream questioning," yet relatively few detailing related techniques worked whilst fully awake. As a case in point, I found around fifty odd practices on "She'elat Chalom" in "Shorshei ha-Shemot" by Moses Zacutto, yet only twelve dealing with "She'elah b'Hakitz." Interesting details regarding both "She'elat Chalom" and "She'elah b'Hakitz" can be found in an extensive essay by Moshe Idel titled "Iyyunim b'Shitat Ba'al Sefer ha-Meshiv," and another fair resource on this topic is "Studies in Jewish Dream Interpretation" by Monford Harris.
As said, certain "She'elah b'Hakitz" practices require careful preparation of the one seeking answers to queries by means of this kind of procedure. In an untitled manuscript (Ms. Sassoon 290) we are told that the querant, prior to working "She'elah b'Hakitz," should be purified and immersed (in the Mikvah [the Jewish ritual bath]), dressed in white clothing, and should have undergone special preparation for a three day period during which several Divine Names are enunciated, etc. In fact, we are told that these Divine Names include a special "Shem ha-Meforash," (not the well-known "Ineffable Name") which a certain Rabbi Simeon (the Great [?]) brought back to this earthly domain after one of his sojourns in the celestial realms. This unique Name is said to have been used in the primordial "act of Creation," that it can be employed to create a Golem (artificial humanoid), as well as to receive spiritual insight and guidance on waking from a sleep which was induced by means of certain Divine Names.
Be that as it may, from amongst the "She'elah b'Hakitz" practices listed in "Shorshei ha-Shemot," I have selected two procedures which do not require unduly great physical and spiritual preparation to work successfully. I have tried out the first of the two techniques, which I have subsequently continued to employ with great effect. What is more, it is relatively easy to execute, so here it is.
The main Divine Name to be used in this technique is

YHVH Elohai atah aromimcha odeh shimcha ki asita pele eitzot meirachok emunah omein
YHVH Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy Name, for Thou hast done wonderful things; even councels of old, in faithfulness and truth.
This is followed by the following adjuration which must be said three times:
Y'hi ratzon milfanecha Elohei Yisra'el sh'ta'aneini v'bi'ur nachon al she'elati shehi (question) b'koach shem ha-yotze mipasuk zehTranslation:
May it be your will God of Israel that you should answer me with the correct explanation on my question (here fill in the question) through the power of the Name which emanates from this verse.Afterwards you have to utter the earlier mentioned Divine Name

The second technique which I wish to share is somewhat more complex, and since it will take a little time to prepare it in the same detailed manner in which I have attempted here with the first technique, I will have to present it in a second missive.