I am delighted to let you know that "
The Book of Sacred Names" is now officially in print, and I think it appeared on a most auspicious day — the Summer Solstice (or Winter if you live in the Southern Hemisphere). At around 520+ pages, this second volume of the Shadow Tree Series turned out to be only 40 pages longer than "
The Book of Self Creation."
Be that as it may, "
The Book of Sacred Names" comprises:
Chapter 1: Ru'ach — Names of Power
A. Kabbalah Ma'asit & Holy Names
B. Divine Speech & the Foundation of Life
C. Levels of Being & Levels of Meaning]
1. Gematria
2. Notarikon
3. Temurah
4. Chochmat ha-Tzeruf
D. Otiot: Sacred Signs
E. Shemot: Hebrew Divine Names
1. Adiriron
2. Adonai & Ehyeh
3. Achatri’el
4. Elohim
5. Ar’arita
6. Tzurtak
Chapter 2: Esh — The Forty-Two Letter Name of God
A. Ana Bechoach Prayer
B. Adjurations & Incantations
Chapter 3: Mayim — The Name of Seventy-Two Names A. Arcane Origins
B. A Biblical Spin-off
C. Magical Applications
D. Divine Attendants
Chapter 4 : Afar — Magical Remedies & Hebrew Amulets A. The Path of Pain & Pleasure
B. Magical Techniques for Health & Healing
C. Kame'ot for Protection
D. Universal Shiviti Amulet
E. Amulets for Wealth & Happiness
Addendum: A Kabbalistic YearReferences & Bibliography
The Book of Sacred Names" is a practical guide into the meditational and magical applications of ancient Hebrew Divine Names. Perpetuating the tenets of traditional Kabbalists who recognised the fundamental bond between "Kabbalah" and "Magic," this text offers step by step instructions on the deliberate and conscious control of personal life circumstances, by means of the most cardinal components of Kabbalistic doctrines and techniques — Divine Names! The material addressed in this tome derives from the extensive primary literature of "Practical Kabbalah," much of which is appearing here in print for the first time in English translation.
In conclusion I should mention that since I dealt with Hebrew incantations as well as with magical objects from the domain of Jewish magic, e.g. Hebrew amulets, associated
Chotamot (magic squares), etc., I decided to include the original Hebrew with easily accessible accompanying transliterations, as well as translations. As can be expected, this material having been derived from primary resources from the domain of "Practical Kabbalah," necessitated the inclusion of a large number of illustrations.
You can access "The Book of Sacred Names" and other publications of the Sangreal Sodality Press directly at: