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Now, I have been addressing the employment of Divine Names and biblical verses to avert miscarriage and protect infants. In this regard, there is a simple practice in which the Name Shadai is utilised to aid a woman who lost her sons. In this instance seven coins are collected from seven pregnant ladies. These coins are conjoined into a single disc on which the Name

The Name

(Psalm 55:9 [8]) Achishah miflat li meiruach so’ah misa’ar
(Genesis 22:1) v’YHVH pakad et Sarah ka’asher amarTranslation:
Psalm 55:9 [8]) I would haste me to a shelter from the stormy wind and tempest.
(Genesis 22:1) And YHVH remembered Sarah as He had said.Next continue, by writing the following incantation:
B’shem Shadai tehe kamea zu l’[.....Plonit bat Plonit.....] shelo tapil yeladeiah v’lo mitipat dam ha-mapelet lo yiyeh miskal v’miskalah b’shem Ehyeh asher Ehyeh YH YHVH ub’shem Micha’el Gavri’el Rafa’el Dani’el Katuti’el Pani’el Sanoi Sansanoi Semangelof Omein Netzach Selah Va-edTranslation:
In the Name Shadai this Kamea will be for [.....fill in the name of the sufferer.....] that she will not abort her children, and not emit any blood of a miscarriage, and will not loose boys or girls. In the Name Ehyeh asher Ehyeh YH YHVH and in the name Micha’el Gavri’el Rafa’el Dani’el Katuti’el Pani’el Sanoi Sansanoi Semangelof Amen Victory Selah Forever.Afterwards the Kamea is carried on the arm of the woman in question.