Sunday, April 1, 2012

The "Name of Seventy-two Names": A Biblical Spin-off - Part 9

(The list of books is in the order of appearance as aligned with the references in the relevant chapter of the "The Book of Sacred Names," hence they are not in alphabetical order)
Swartz. M.D: Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism: An Analysis of Ma’aseh Merkavah, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1992.
Swartz. M.D: Scholastic Magic: Ritual and Revelation in Early Jewish Mysticism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996.
Lesses, R.M.: Ritual Practices to Gain Power: Angels, Incantations and Revelations in Early Jewish Mysticism, Trinity Press International, Harrisburg 1998.
Schäfer, P.: Hekhalot Studien, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1988.
Schäfer, P.: Synopse zur Hekhalot Literatur, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1981.
Schäfer, P.: The Hidden and Manifest God: Some Major Themes in Early Jewish Mysticism, SUNY Press, New York 1992.
Davila, J.R.: Descenders to the Chariot: The People Behind the Hekhalot Literature, E.J. Brill, Leiden 2001.
Eleazar ben Yehudah of Worms: Sefer ha-Chochmah, MS Oxford-Bodleian 1568, relevant portions transl. in Idel, M.: Kabbalah: New Perspectives, Yale University Press, New Haven & London 1988.
Abulafia, A.: Sefer Chayei ha-Olam ha-Ba, Aharon Barazani, Jerusalem 2001.
Abulafia, A.: Or ha-Sechel, Aharon Barazani, Jerusalem 2001.
Abulafia, A.: The Path of Names, transl. B. Finkel, J. Hirschman, D. Meltzer and G. Scholem, Trigram, Berkeley 1976.
Idel, M.: Kabbalah: New Perspectives, Yale University Press, New Haven & London 1988.
Idel, M.: The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia, SUNY Press, Albany 1988.
Kaplan, A.: Meditation and Kabbalah, Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach 1988.
Albotini, Y.: Sulam ha-Aliyah, Machon Sha’arei Ziv, Machon Sha’arei ziv, Jerusalem 1989.
Albotini, Y.: Chapters transl. in Blumenthal, D.: Understanding Jewish Mysticism: A Source Reader - The Philosophic Mystical Tradition and the Chassidic Tradition, Volume II, KTAV Publishing House Inc., New York 1982.
Vital, Chaim: Sefer Sha’ar Ru’ach ha-Kodesh, Mosdat Nehar Shalom, Jerusalem 1999.
Vital, Chaim: Pri Etz Chaim, Hotsa’at Eshel, Tel Aviv 1961.
Vital, Chaim: Sefer Sha’arei Kedushah, Aharon Barazani, Tel Aviv, 1995.
Vital, Chaim: Sefer Sha’arei Kedushah, Hotza’at Yeshivat ha-Shamash, Jerusalem 1997.
Vital, Chaim: K’tavim Chadashim l’Rabbi Chaim Vital, Machon l’Hotsa’at Sefarim v’Kitve-yad Ahavat shalom, Jerusalem 1988.
Vital, Chaim: Sefer Sha’ar ha-Kavvanot, Yeshivat ha-shalom, Jerusalem 1997.
Cordovero, M.: Pardes Rimmonim, Yarid ha-Sefarim, Jerusalem 2000.
Idel, M.: Hasidism: Between Ecstasy and Magic, SUNY Press, Albany 1995.
The Zohar Volume 4 & 5, transl. D.C. Matt (Pritzker edition), Stanford University Press, Stanford 2007 & 2009.
Sefer Raziel ha-Malach, Yarid ha-Sefarim, Jerusalem 2003.
Trachtenberg, J.: Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion, Behrman’s Jewish Book House Publishers, New York 1939.
The Mishnah: Tractate Avot, Seder Nezikin, Volume 4, Part 4 - A New Translation with an Anthologized Commentary, Mesorah Publications, New York 2008.
McClenachan, C.T.: The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Masonic Publishers & Manufacturing, New York 1868.
Westcott, W.W.: An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah, J.M. Watkins, London 1926.
Cavendish, R.: Man, Myth & Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural, Volume 20, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, New York 1970.
Ponce, C.: Kabbalah: An Introduction and Illumination for the World Today, Garnstone Press, London 1974.
Zika, C.: Exorcising our Demons: Magic, Witchcraft and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe, Brill, Leiden 2003.
Schmidt-Biggemann, W.: Philosophia Perennis: Historical Outlines of Western Spirituality in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Thought, Springer, Dordrecht 2004.
Zacutto, M.: Shorshei ha-Shemot, Hotzaat Nezer Shraga, Jerusalem 1999.
Vital, Chaim: Gates of Holiness: Fourth Part, Research Institute of Esoteric Literature, Brooklyn 1999.
The Bahir: An Ancient Kabbalistic Text attributed to Rabbi Nehuniah ben HaKana, transl. Aryeh Kaplan, Samuel Weiser Inc., New York 1979.
Hammer, R.: Entering the High Holy Days: A Guide to Origins, Themes, and Prayers, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 1998.
Eisenberg, R.L.: The JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions, The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 2004.
Sperling, A.I.: Reasons for Jewish Customs and Traditions, transl. A. Mats, Bloch Publishing Company, New York 1968.
Gray, W.G: Qabalistic Concepts: Living the Tree, (Previously Concepts of Concepts, Sangreal Sodality Series, Volume 3), Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, 1997.
Swart, J.G.: The Book of Self Creation, The Sangreal Sodality Press, Johannesburg 2009.
Luzzatto, M.Chaim: 138 Openings of Wisdom, transl. A. Greenbaum, Azamra Institute, Jerusalem 2005.
Bar-Lev, Y.: Yedid Nefesh: Introduction to Kabbalah, Petach-Tikva 1988.
Scholem, G.: Kabbalah, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem 1974.
Bacharach, N.: Emek ha-Melech, Yerid ha-Sefarim, Jerusalem 2003.
Hanover, N.N. ben M.: Sefer Sha’arei Tzion, Zolkiev 1816.
Koppel, Y.: Siddur m’ha-Arizal ha-Nikra b’Shem Kol Ya’akov, Yaakov Koppel, Lemberg 1859.
Mathers, S.L. Macgregor: Key of Solomon the King: Clavicula Salomonis, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1974.
Kaplan, A.: Inner Space, Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Jerusalem 1990.
Tzioni, M.: Sefer Tzioni, Cremona 1559; A.N. Süs, Lemberg 1882.
Halevi, Y.Y.: Sefer v’Cherev Pifiyot, K.K. Insor, Lemberg 1786.
Kratchin, B.B.: Amtachat Binyamin, Hotza’at Backal, Jerusalem 1966.
Ishmael ben Elisha: Sefer ha-Cheshek al Shemot Metatron Sar ha-Panim, J.M. Epstein, Lemberg 1865.
Keter, S. ben A.: Nechash ha-Nechoshet, Baruch Keter, Jerusalem 1990.

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