Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sterility and the Twenty-four Permutations of Adonai

I am deeply embroiled in the "race" to complete "The Book of Seals and Amulets," the third volume of the "Shadow Tree Series." As might be expected, the contents of this text is of great personal interest to me, and I am having a difficult time deciding exactly what to include in the mentioned text, and naturally not very keen to exclude anything.
Be that as it may, I am currently perusing the use of the twenty-four permutations of the Name Adonai in Hebrew amulets. The information I have at my disposal pertains mainly to their conjoined employment in a "magic square" as an aid against infertility in women. In this regard I am consulting two primary texts, i.e. "Shorshei ha-Shemot" by Moses Zacutto and the anonymous "Refuah v'Chayim m'Yerushalayim." I am aware that the twenty-four permutations of Adonai are employed in a variety of ways in Jewish mysticism, magic and meditation, but I am currently specifically dealing with its use in Hebrew amulets.
In reference to the mentioned topic, I thought I might share with you the details on the utilisation of the twenty-four permutations of Adonai in Hebrew amulets. As you probably know, the Name corresponds to Malchut (Kingdom) on the Sefirotic tree. The letters comprising this wonderful Divine Name, are permuted in twenty-four different ways as shown below:
Each of these twenty-four permutations are respectively associated with three portions of the "Name of Seventy-two Names," i.e.
The twenty-four permutations of Adonai combine in a "magic seal," of which there are a number of configurations. However, the correct combination is as shown below:
This "magic seal" is employed as a Kamea (amulet) in order to cure a barren woman of sterility. In this regard the instruction is to inscribe the square comprising the twenty-four permutations in the format of this magic "word square." Since this chotam (magic seal) is understood to receive an influx of "power" from the "Name of Seventy-two Names," one is instructed to state the purpose of the amulet below the "magic seal," and to do this in the name of the "Seventy-two Names of Chesed" (Lovingkindness). Hence this Divine Name is listed in full, also referencing the combination . This special "Name," pertaining to both Chesed (Mercy) and Gevurah (Strength), is said to battle the Klipot (demonic shards). The gematria of this peculiar Hebrew letter combination is 216, which we are told relates to the 216 letters of the "Name of Seventy-Two Names." It is also said that the entire construct comprising the "magic seal," pertains to the word (Ibur — "impregnation" or "gestation"), this being the fundamental purpose of the amulet in question. As it is, the gematria of this word is 288, i.e. 4 x 72, hence this term is also included in the amulet we are considering.
In conclusion, there are further instructions to add Genesis 21:1 as well as Genesis 30:22 to the amulet, these verses being traditionally employed in Jewish magic to promote fertility and to ease childbirth.

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