Monday, December 30, 2013

Alfa Beta Shel Metatron: The Alphabet of Metatron – Part 7

(Kof) It is said the magical glyph for the letter (Kof) represents a tree, and the gematria of this Hebrew letter is one hundred. Regarding the latter we are reminded that Abraham fathered Isaac at the ripe old age of 100, and as far as the “tree” symbol of the magical glyph is concerned, we are informed that this refers to the thicket (tree) in which a ram was caught, and which was substituted as sacrifice in the place of his son. We are also told that the main portion of the magical glyph in question portrays a shofar (ram’s horn), whilst the two side extensions refer to the two days when the shofar is sounded during Rosh Hashanah (New Year), for all to hear its (Kol—“voice”).

(Resh) The magical image for the letter (Resh) is said to represent a boat with a mast. In this regard, we encounter the only magical instruction listed in the dissertation on the magical “Alpha Beta shel Metatron.” We are told that in summer Rahav (), who is the angel of the sea, would allow foul smells to surface the waters — methane perhaps! Seeping into boats this would kill all and sundry on them. However, we are instructed that invoking the Divine Name (Adiriron) would forthwith dispel the nasty odour. We are also informed that invocation of this Divine Name calms the violent storms of winter.

Regarding the Divine Name (Adiriron), I noted in "The Book of Sacred Names" that this is an ancient Divine Name the meaning of which is said to be “The Mighty One sings,” and that this Divine Name is called “Name of Joy” or “Name of glad song” (rinah). Adiriron is associated with the word (adir—“mighty”).

I also noted that the Name “Adiriron is utilised both in Hebrew amulets and magical incantations, and is considered particularly efficacious as a protection against demonic forces.” Hence we are informed that “whosoever builds a new house and yard, lest he come to any bodily harm he must write the great name Adiriron Adiron () on deerskin parchment and place it on the door of each and every room. And it is best to write this on a Sunday, Thursday or a Friday. And he must drill a hole and place the same in the doorway both from above and from the side.”

(Shin) The magical glyph for the letter (Shin) is said to indicate a very deep wellspring gushing forth an abundance of water which spills over its edges. In this regard, there is the saga of King David digging pits on the side of the Holy Altar, and in the process unleashing subterranean waters which were surfacing and which might inundate the world. We are told that the King wrote the Divine name on a shard which he cast into the depths in order to halt the threat and seal the opening of the depths.

Be that as it may, we are told that the letter Shin is the initial of the Divine Name (Shadai), and that the five endings of the magical glyph representing this letter, refer to the five cubicles of the Tefilin (phylacteries). Regarding the latter we are reminded that there are four in the phylactery tied to the forehead, and only one in the phylactery tied to the left forearm.

(Tav) The magical glyph for the letter (Tav) comprises three vertical bars crossing a horizontal line, and there are altogether eight endings in the glyph. In this regard we are informed that the two outer verticle lines represent the two handles of a Torah scroll, and the centre line the reader. At the conclusion of perusing its contents, the scroll is wound and enclosed in a beautiful mantle-cover. The latter is symbolized by the horizontal bar in the current magical glyph.

We are also instructed that the three vertical lines represent the threefold division of the Tanach (Sacred Scriptures): (Torah—Pentateuch), (N’vi’im—Prophets) and (Ketuvim—Writings). The “Prophets” section of the Hebrew Bible comprises eight books, which is said to be symbolized in the eight endings of the magical glyph of the letter Tet. We are informed that the Divine One autographs his name with this Hebrew letter, since it stands for (Emet—“Truth”).

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