Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Name of Seventy-two Names in Hebrew Amulets - Part 1

The "Name of Seventy-two Names" (Shem Vayisa Vayet) have been addressed in several essays posted on this blog, and it would seem that the attributions of certain unsubstantiated "powers" to each of its seventy-two component tri-letter portions, as well as the employment of contemporary hard sell, the Divine Name in question has achieved the precarious status of a "celebutante," i.e. a combination of a "celebrity" and a "debutante" who elicits enormous acclaim which sometimes ends in notoriety. In "The Book of Sacred Names" I have attempted to rescue the "Name of Seventy-two Names" from the latter fate, by devoting a chapter to a detailed investigation into the meaning and use of the "Shem Vayisa Vayet" in Practical Kabbalah. As might be expected, the 143 pages comprising the said chapter, cannot afford a complete exposition of the "Name of Seventy-two Names," and much remained to be said, hence it resurfaced in my "The Book of Seals & Amulets," in which I am addressing the use of this enigmatic Divine Name in Hebrew amulets.

This remarkable Divine Name is extensively employed in Hebrew amulets, sometimes in portions and sometimes even engraved in full on small silver trays, as shown in the following Kamea:


In this instance the front portion of the construct comprises nine rows, each of which is made up of eight tri-letter portions of the “Shem Vayisa Vayet.” The rear portion reads:

AViGe YaToTzi KaRo’ SaTaN’ NaGiDa YeiCheiSha BiTaRo TzaTaG’ CheKeVa Tin’I YaGaLi P’Z’Kei ShuKoVa TzoYaT’ Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim Matz’patz Sh’ma’ayah Yohach Kalach Kuzu B’mochsaz Kuzu Metatron Shamri’el Ori’el Mahash Rafa’el Gavri’el Micha’el Nuri’el Razi’el Sandalfon Yofi’el An’el Shefi Adiriron G’vurti’el Atneik Shadai Tzadki’el An’el Kaftzi’el Azri’el Hadri’el Sanoi Sansanoi Semangelof l’shmirat nose kamea zeh
AViGe YaToTzi KaRo’ SaTaN’ NaGiDa YeiCheiSha BiTaRo TzaTaG’ CheKeVa Tin’I YaGaLi P’Z’Kei ShuKoVa TzoYaT’ Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim Matz’patz Sh’ma’ayah Yohach Kalach Kuzu B’mochsaz Kuzu Metatron Shamri’el Ori’el Mahash Rafa’el Gavri’el Micha’el Nuri’el Razi’el Sandalfon Yofi’el An’el Shefi Adiriron G’vurti’el Atneik Shadai Tzadki’el An’el Kaftzi’el Azri’el Hadri’el Sanoi Sansanoi Semangelof for protection, this being the purpose of this amulet.
As noted the rear portion of the amulet incorporates several Divine Names previously addressed on this blog, as well as the Names of a number of Angelic Intelligences, all acting conjointly in the task of guarding and benefitting the owner of the said Kamea.

(more to follow)

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